Sunday, December 25, 2011

Give me a 5!

Hello Beautiful VWOG, hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and spent time with Jesus on his birthday! This week we will blog about 5, yes the number five! This week as I was praying about what to share with you guys I begin to get #5! Now initially I thought there was nothing special about the number 5! However, I was wrong! First lets briefly look at the number 5. The number 5 means Grace! You always hear women associated with Grace, "shes a woman of beauty and grace", or in my case after wearing my heels all day my walk was not very graceful last night! 5 is also associated with balance, for instance you have five fingers on each hand, five toes on each foot, 5 senses that allow you to function. A biblical fun fact David also chose 5 stones to fight Golliath (1Samuel 17:40). Now Hope you have your bibles! If you start in the old testament go to the 5th book,5th chapter &5th verse

(At that time I stood between the Lord and you to declare to you the word of the Lord, because you were afraid of the fire and did not go up the mountain.) 
                     Deuteronomy 5:5 NIV

Here Moses is talking to Israel after he has been given the 10 commandments. He says, don't you remember when you were afraid I stood in the gap for you. As you know all to well sometimes because of whatever situation or circumstance we have going we need someone to stand in the gap for us, someone to act on our behalf, advocate for us, then come back and tell us what happened!  Now if you remember we are Israel and God is Moses then who stood in the gap for us? When we we're in bad shape, sinning like we breath and just in a horrible situation. Someone went to bat for us, saying ill go make it alright, his name was Jesus! If it weren't for him seriously where would your life be? Take a moment and truly think about it.....scary right? I personally know I was headed down a dark destructive path and if it was not for that covering, that extra shield I would have been gone along time ago. Now that we have a base turn your bible to the back and flip 5 books, 5th chapter &5th verse
Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
                         1 John 5:5 NIV
Well here we are with Jesus again! This passage is speaking of those who Love God also love his children, wait children is plural which means more than just loving Jesus right? You have to love one another to love God!(food for thought) but through that love God shows us his grace! How do you get that grace, by believing Jesus is the son of God. The scripture says that those who do that will overcome the world(your situation). Now if you like me, it took me a min so ill break it down for you. In Deuteronomy He stood in the gap for us, in 1 John the belief in him will allow us to overcome. So Jesus will stand in the gap for us when we are going through situations to allow us to overcome them, if we believe!!

I hope this helped you and I pray you take the time to love on Jesus this week.  I believe Gods just like us in the way we like QT ladies He does too. You'll find the more time you spend in his presence the less stressful everything else seems! Spend some time with Him and share with us about it. Love you all and Have a spectacular week!

1 comment:

  1. Wed night at bible study God begin to give me words, i wrote a few of them down but kind of disregaurded them. Afterwards I prayed and God begin to give me more words. The words I was given were: grace,faith,woman,Jesus,
    money,surge,fruit,cover,faith,money,clean,bless,settle,strie,enemy,agree,align,voice,quiet and honor. I begin to play with the words and ask God what He was trying to tell me. After many attempts the words formed this sentence: Surge the world with grace, align with the word. Dont worry with money or settle with the enemy; for with him comes strife. Queit his voice, honor Jesus, that He may clean you,cover and bless you and your fruit. Your Faith will set you free.
