Thursday, January 5, 2012


Influence Curage and Unity

Hello beautiful VWOG, Hope your week is going great. Happy NEW YEAR! I am so excited on the first blog of the new year. I feel the spirit of God is moving already in great amounts!!!!!!! As I prayed this week I feel like God is saying influence. I begin to think "Well, God who do I influence?" then while at Elevate (an explosion of the word with the youth of surrounding area at Calvary, Epicenter Sunday at 7pm, Decatur, Alabama) a young girl approached me. I had not seen this young lady since she was about 5 but she remembered me 7 years later. She began asking me about Eleveate as it was her first time there. I began to share with her what I knew. She made the comment that because I was there it must be ok! That comment was my confirmation. God was showing me the influence we have as women. Even when we are just there enjoying being in the spirit, or anywhere else we ARE being watched!!! It is our job to spread the word of God! If we study and pray and walk with God all day for the rest of our lives and never spread that knowledge or His love WE HAVE FAILED! the bible references salt, if salt loses its flavor its worthless! If you cut your light on in your bedroom, close the door and walk into your closet that light does you know good!

"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
                   Matthew 5:14-15 NIV

  Then courage. I ask God what does courage have to do with all of this? I heard we as women have to be bold! Be courageous to stand out in a crowd, in the world, and up against the enemy! And UNITY! We all know the saying "there's strength in numbers" well this is true in the spirital realm as well. The bible says:

Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.
                          Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NIV

So even the bible references the power in numbers. I believe it will take all of us united! No matter what specific denomination, if you hum, chant, cry out, speak in tongues,pray on sat or Sunday or 3 times on Tuesday; if you believe that Jesus died and He is Lord we have a job to do! I feel like I've been lead to pray with you so here goes :
  Lord, first we thank you for being God in our lives! We recognize that it is by your grace we have been saved from destruction. In this new year we give our lives back to you as a living sacrifice! We know our lives are not ours but vessels for you. We recognize we have a past but we ask you to clean us and make us pure again. We are no longer convicted but redeemed by your love. We open the door to our unhindered destiny. We ask you to close the door on our past and open the door to our future. We put you first and recognize you and you alone are God in our lives. This year make us stronger in your word, stronger in battle, more wise, more powerful in your name, more uncomfortable in places and situations that aren't of your will. Open our hearts and minds to love you and others like we've never loved before. Allow us to desire a relationship with you that we have never had before. Lord give us a new name in you.  Amen.

I could go on and on because I believe this is the year women of God are going to stand out and stand up like never before! Please remember this is an interactive blog so lets talk(we're women, talking comes natural) If your not connected get connected @! Have a spectacular week.
And our goal for the week: try to take over the world!!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post! This word is already coming to past in my life. I have finally stepped out and began to pursue what I feel God has "really" called me to do. I have never been so excited about a new year as I am 2012! I believe with you that this is the year for a lot of women to begin fulfilling the call of God on their lives. It is time for us to rise up as individuals as well as corpartely and begin walking in our God designed destiny. When we unite together in prayer and fasting the Spirit of God begins to move and create things that have been held up. It is time for gifts and talents to be released for the glory of God! It's time to arise out of our slumber, stop sitting on our gifts and get busy with the Lord's business!

    This blog is a blessing and I pray that God will continue to speak to you in a mighty way that will led you to empower others! Be Blessed! -Minister Terri Little
