Sunday, December 18, 2011

Know Your Worth

A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.
                 Proverbs 31:10 NIV

In todays world how many of us truly know what we are worth? And If you are calculating your worth by the worlds standard ....we're pretty worthless! Like a penny with a hole in it or an over the limit credit card! BUT the Bible says we are worth more than a ruby. If you pick apart the scripture you see the word NOBLE, which means not just any kind will do, but an honorable woman. While some of us gals operate in the spiritual realm some of us don't! Now if you are not where you should or want to be just know its not too late! You can invite God into your heart and take control over your life right now!!!(and if you need help post or email me, there are several women of God on here that will be more than excited to pray with you), all of that to say your nobility is not determined by your past but its determined by your heart and the choices you make!  RUBY: the price of a ruby was unmatchable, it is unmarked and in Websters its says that a true ruby is a rare find! So we are rare, honorable and priceless! Beyond that WE ARE homemakers, support systems, teachers, students, shoulders to cry on, anchors to stay grounded and so much more! If I have to choose a definition to define my worth I will gladly take the Proverbs 31:10 definition!


  1. Okay, so I have heard this scripture many times but I have never really taken the time out to read deeper into it or study it. From this verse I learned about myself and the person that I want to believe for myself that I am, not what others tell me.

    Proverbs 3:15 says “wisdom is more precious than rubies..nothing you desire can compare with her...” Everyone knows that wisdom comes from the Lord and wisdom helps to provide joy and understanding which leads to a relationship with God. Proverbs 19:14 says “… only the Lord can give an understanding wife”. So simply put, a man cannot find a virtuous woman without having wisdom and a relationship with God. A ruby is of great value, it’s precious, it’s a treasure. Growing up, a lot of African American little girls don’t hear that they are precious, and a treasure, I know I didn’t. This passage helps teach us about our worth, along with other scriptures in the bible. Proverbs 12:4 says “a worthy wife is a crown for her husband, but a disgraceful wife is like cancer in his bones”. Whoa! Who wants to be cancer? In Proverbs the word crown symbolizes wealth, long life, and grandchildren, and according to the oxford dictionary cancer is uncontrollable and destructive.

    The book, Ruth helped me learn even more about a virtuous woman. I won’t type the whole book of Ruth (I do recommend that you read it). From Ruth, I learned that a virtuous woman is generous, loyal, loving, hardworking, understanding, a provider, of good character, wise, etc... Ruth’s story is a perfect example of Romans 8:28...all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord!

    I want to be a crown for my husband!

  2. Well said BrightFuture! I believe that it is important to know your worth, purpose, and strength when you are called to be a wife. You will always encounter those moments of uncertainty but the word is where we get our strength and purpose from the Lord. Being a virtuous wife encompases so much more than what the world defines a wife to be. We are to examples for our children and husband. Titus 2:4-5 gives reveals some of the responsibilities given to the wife: That they may teach the young woman to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God be not blasphemed. As you can see, those responsibilities are great and benefit more than just the husband; but also, the children. The breakdown of those two scriptures is in itself enough to keep a wife busy in fulfilling her purpose! I will leave you with this scripture to meditate on and to encourage you with, II Corinthians 10:12... This applies to all of God's people, but for the sake of this vlog I feel that it is important to not compare yourself to others and their walk with God especially when it comes to husbands, marriages, and children!

    Be Blessed!
