Tuesday, February 28, 2012

This Little Light of Mine

Hello all you VWOGs! Do you remember singing this old church song when you were little?
"this little light of mine, I'm going to
let it shine. Let it shine, let it shine,
let it shine"
We all remember that one right? Well let me pose a question; did you let your light shine? For many of us it was simply a church song, that we sang because everyone else did. Well while reading and studying my Bible God led me to John 8:12 MSG
Jesus once again addressed them: "I
am the world's Light. No one who
follows me stumbles around in the
darkness. I provide plenty of light to
live in."

YAYđź‘Ź God is the light and every thing is great, we aren't living in sin, we are spreading the love and word of God To everyone! Right? Wrong!! How do I know, well 1) I'm alive and living in the world 2) this passage followed the above, turn to 1 John 1:6-7:
If God is the light and we say
we're with Him and He is in us then
why are we stumbling around in the
dark.If we claim that we experience
a shared life with him and continue
to stumble around in the dark, we're
obviously lying through our teeth-
we're not living what we claim. But if
we walk in the light, God himself
being the light, we also experience a
shared life with one another, as the
sacrificed blood of Jesus, God's Son,
purges all our sin.

WHOA!!! So A lot of us are walking around sinning or sinning and worshiping (simultaneously) these are who i call worldly christians, keeping the word of God to ourselves, or only sharing it with other believers! Well how much good does shining light into a lit room do? None! But when you take the light of God and put it into darkness: lives are renewed, seasons change, healing takes place, souls are saved, miracles happen, mountains move, there are no limits to what God (the light) can do! So I beg you to let that light in you shine, whether it's the size if a single match or a stadium beam your light will make a difference!

Havel what's the goal for the week? Right, same thing as every week! Try and take over the world! Be blessed and I love you and So does GOD!!

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