Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Situational Faith

Faith check 1, 2, 1, 2? Hows your faith lately???

 Hello beautiful VWOGs!! Last night God talked to me about my faith level. To sum it up let me pose a question to you; what if your next blessing or that one thing you are praying for was sitting in the spirit realm waiting on you to just have faith that its coming, could your faith get your blessing here? Lets go to the Bible of examples:

- the man with leprosy, they ask Jesus and was healed (ten men had leprosy and were isolated and treated like scum. They had enough faith in the healing power that when they saw Jesus they cried out and ask Him to have mercy on them)
  "Rise and Go; your faith has  made you well" Luke 17:19

- woman with the issue of blood, was healed by her touching Him (a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years who was exiled from her family and everything she knew had enough faith in Jesus and His power, she thought if I can just touch His cloak, I will be healed. She didnt even want to ask. She fought through a crowd of people who were surrounding Him who were "worthy" and "clean" to just touch Him. Now that is a tough situation but she used her Faith to help her fight through and touched Him.)
  "take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you" Matthew 9:22

- the dead girl, raised from the dead (a father went and ask Jesus to come to his home because his daughter had died. The man ask Jesus to just come and put your hand on her and she will live. Jesus went in and said she is not dead but asleep, He touched her and she got up. Her fathers Faith that Jesus could just touch her and make her live again, did just that.
  -Matthew 9:23-25

Ok well those are just healing. What if healing is not your problem? ok well for time sake im just going to name a few:

-Hannah: couldnt have kids but was promised a child. You are praying and trying for a child and your "competition is just popping them out left and right, and picking with you because you cant. Even though God told you its coming. Could you still believe Him?

-Noahs wife: had to have faith in God. Just imagine your mate out there using all your resources to build and arc because he said God told him to but it hasnt rained in forever. Where would your faith be?

-Sara and Abraham: God told Sara she would bare a child, and after several decades later....nothing. God made Abraham the father of many nations (bet that wasnt what Abraham thought He meant by being a father) What if Abraham had given up and said I guess God didnt want me to have a child of my own? Issac wouldnt have been BORN to them.
While I could go on and on, for those who still dont see what im talking about lets compare to real life. Now  Let me break it down further for you. If your faith determines your blessings, could that be why your still waiting on that blessing? Now a lot of us will say "everything happens in Gods time" or "if it be the will of the Lord" or "it didnt happen so maybe God blocked it because He knew it wasnt right". Am i right? Well maybe I am wrong but I believe that sometimes God just wants to know that you will believe and trust in Him even when it doesnt look like its going to work out. When you are praying for money so your lights dont get cut off and its now the date that is printed on that red disconnect letter, where is your faith? When you are waiting on that refund check to pay your rent for the month and the business office tells you they are waiting another week to cut checks, where is your faith? Or maybe when you are on your last $10 and you get in your car and your gas light is on, where is your faith? or maybe your believing for a job, a car, a Husband, a child or peace of mind, WHERE IS YOUR FAITH? One of the greatest Young Adult Pastors in this area Adrian Davis sent out a message the other day that ask "Have you prayed about it, as much as you talked about it?" So....Have you? Most of us will call our besties and have community meetings on why I dont have what I want, but what if you prayed about it or called them and ask them to pray with you instead of listen  to you complain. Do you not realize you are complaining about something that God wants you to have. WE HAVE TO STOP THIS. So as I leave you today I am begging you not to allow your situation to determine your faith, but allow your Faith to determine your situation.

follow us: VWOG at @_VWOG and  Adrian Davis at @AdrianDavisNow on twitter and Facebook!!

Love you